How to build Apache Fineract® with IntelliJ IDEA


  1. Java: Ensure you have Java Development Kit (JDK) installed. Apache Fineract® typically requires Java 17 (Java 21 is not yet supported).
  2. Git: You’ll need Git to clone the Apache Fineract® source code from the repository.
  3. IntelliJ IDEA: Install IntelliJ IDEA (Community or Ultimate edition).


  1. Clone the Apache Fineract® Repository:
    • Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the directory where you want to store the Apache Fineract® source code.
    • Run the following command to clone the repository:
      git clone
  2. Import the Project into IntelliJ IDEA:
    • Open IntelliJ IDEA.
    • Click on File > Open... and select the fineract directory you cloned in step 1. IntelliJ will recognize it as a Gradle project.
    • IntelliJ IDEA will analyze the project and download its dependencies.
  3. Configure JDK:
    • Verify that IntelliJ IDEA is using the correct Java SDK. Go to File > Project Structure.
    • In the Project Structure dialog, under Project, make sure the Project SDK is set to the appropriate Java version (Java 17 is the latest supported).
  4. Gradle Configuration:
    • Open the build.gradle file in the project root directory.
    • IntelliJ IDEA will automatically start downloading the dependencies, if not you can do it manually as well by opening the “Gradle” window and click on Reload All Gradle Projects.
    • Further configurations can be found in the settings.gradle file
  5. Set Up Run Configurations:
    • Go to Run > Edit Configurations.
    • Click the + button and select Gradle.
    • In the configuration settings:
      • Set the Name (e.g., “Fineract”).
      • Choose the fineract directory as Gradle project.
      • Set bootRun as the Run command.
  6. Create two databases
    • Create fineract_tenants and fineract_default databases
      • MariaDB (default db engine)
        • Execute createDB gradle task with the following params:
          • ./gradlew createDB -PdbName=fineract_tenants
            ./gradlew createDB -PdbName=fineract_default
      • MySql
        • Execute createMySQLDB gradle task with the following params:
          • ./gradlew createMySQLDB -PdbName=fineract_tenants
            ./gradlew createMySQLDB -PdbName=fineract_default
      • Postgres
        • Execute createPGDB gradle task with the following params:
          • ./gradlew createPGDB -PdbName=fineract_tenants
            ./gradlew createPGDB -PdbName=fineract_default
  7. Build the Project:
    • Go to Run > Run 'Fineract'.
    • IntelliJ IDEA will build and run the Apache Fineract® server. You can access it using a web browser at https://localhost:8443/fineract-provider.

This should get you started with building and running Apache Fineract® using IntelliJ IDEA.

Default configuration

  • By default the application will be using a self-signed TLS protocol (https) and port: 8443
  • By default the application will connect to MariaDB on localhost (port:3306).
    • Default credentials: root/mysql
    • Default tenants storage database: fineract_tenants
      • This database will store the tenant details and connection information to the tenant databases
    • Database driver: org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver (by default)
      • To override set the FINERACT_HIKARI_DRIVER_SOURCE_CLASS_NAME environment variable
    • JDBC url: jdbc:mariadb://localhost:3306/fineract_tenants
      • To override set the FINERACT_HIKARI_JDBC_URL environment variable
    • Database username: root
      • To override set the FINERACT_HIKARI_USERNAME environment variable
    • Database password: password
      • To override set the FINERACT_HIKARI_PASSWORD environment variable
  • By default the liquibase scripts will create a new tenant with the below configurations
    • Default tenant identifier: default
      • To override set the FINERACT_DEFAULT_TENANTDB_IDENTIFIER environment variable
    • Default tenant database host: localhost
      • To override set the FINERACT_DEFAULT_TENANTDB_HOSTNAME environment variable
    • Default tenant database port: 3306
      • To override set the FINERACT_DEFAULT_TENANTDB_PORT environment variable
    • Default tenant database username: root
      • To override set the FINERACT_DEFAULT_TENANTDB_UID environment variable
    • Default tenant database password: mysql
      • To override set the FINERACT_DEFAULT_TENANTDB_PWD environment variable
    • Default tenant timezone: Asia/Kolkata
      • To override set the FINERACT_DEFAULT_TENANTDB_TIMEZONE environment variable
    • Default tenant name: fineract_default
      • To override set the FINERACT_DEFAULT_TENANTDB_NAME environment variable
    • Default tenant description: Default Demo Tenant
      • To override set the FINERACT_DEFAULT_TENANTDB_DESCRIPTION environment variable
    • Default tenant master password: fineract
      • To override set the FINERACT_DEFAULT_TENANTDB_MASTER_PASSWORD environment variable
      • IMPORTANT: During the first time the liquibase executed the plain text password got encrypted with the provided master password
    • Default tenant encryption: AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding
      • To override set the FINERACT_DEFAULT_TENANTDB_ENCRYPTION environment variable

The list of configuration is not complete!

Optional extra configurations

  1. Use http instead of https and use 8080 port instead of 8443
    • Set the following Environment variables:
  2. Use Postgres as Database engine
    • Set the following Environment variables:
      • Use Postgres Driver
      • Connecting to fineract_tenants database
      • Connecting to fineract_default database


Keep in mind that Apache Fineract® is a complex project, and you may encounter issues or need to configure additional settings based on your specific environment and requirements. It’s a good practice to refer to the official Apache Fineract® documentation and the project’s developer community for more details and troubleshooting!

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