How to fix common Apache Fineract® integration test issues
Lets see common misunderstandings and common issues you might face when you run the Apache Fineract® integration tests!
Common problems
- Integration tests requires a running Apache Fineract® backend!
- Integration test module is like a “3rd party application” that executes and test different use cases, but communicate with Apache Fineract® via REST API calls
- Default configuration
- By default it tries to connect to Apache Fineract®
- On the following URL:
- Authentication:
- Username:
- Password:
- Username:
- Tenant:
- On the following URL:
- To override you can provide the below environment variables:
- Backend URL port:
- Backend URL port:
- Backend URL port:
- Backend URL port:
- Backend URL port:
- Backend URL port:
- Backend URL port:
- By default it tries to connect to Apache Fineract®
- Running integration tests by default tries to start a cargo and run an instance of Apache Fineract® there
- Integration-test module
task depends on to start local Cargo first, which depends onfineract-war:war
first. - When the Cargo started, it deploys built
- Also it’s either
- start a PostgresDB, if provided project property is
- start a MysqlDB, if provided project property is
- start a MariaDB, if no
was provided * To override this default behaviour, in case you dont want local Cargo to be started and run the Apache Fineract® backend and the underlying database there, you can disable it by providing the below project variable: cargoDisabled=true
- Example to run the integration tests in console, but do not start local Cargo:
./gradlew -PcargoDisabled=true --no-daemon --console=plain :integration-tests:test
-> for MacOS and Linuxgradlew.bat -PcargoDisabled=true --no-daemon --console=plain :integration-tests:test
-> for Windows
- Integration-test module
- Good to keep in mind
- Integration tests are not idempotent
As rule of thumb the community did the best to write integration tests that does not rely on anything that was configured or set by an another test:
Each test set / update global configurations if needed, create client, create loan product, create loan, etc.
- One of the problem Fineract facing is some of the integration tests were set something (like global configuration) but forgot to undone it at the end of the test execution. -> It might affect the upcoming next test executions.
- An another problem might be that the integration test execution order is not explicitly set, so it might executed in different order on different environments.
- An another problem might be, if an integration test fails, and it set a global configuration as part of the test execution but there is no fallback logic to set it back to original value in case of any exception occurs. -> It might affect the upcoming next test executions.
Integration tests requires an empty, freshly deployed database
This one is not a rule written in stone, but we noticed situations if the integration tests were not executed on a freshly deployed database, they were failing.
- One of the underlying problem is many integration tests were built on the assumption that it will always be a fresh, newly deployed database and assuming some “default” configurations.
Integration tests are requires you to run the backend with “test” profile
Some integration tests are relying on APIs that are only supported for internal usage / test purposes.
- You need to make you are running the Apache Fineract® with “test” profile!
- You need to make you are running the Apache Fineract® with “test” profile!
Keep in mind that Apache Fineract® is a complex project, and you may encounter issues or need to configure additional settings based on your specific environment and requirements. It’s a good practice to refer to the official Apache Fineract® documentation and the project’s developer community for more details and troubleshooting!